Thursday, 4 November 2010

New Business openings in mikpunt/Klippies

So far it has been said that Mikpunt will be receiving a new security company and is considering putting a base station here! WOW hey, that would be awesome! 24hrs security, and with a 3 year contract at R300 per month you will get your own alarm system installed! (but thats just talk for now)

In regards to new opening businesses what Klipheuwel and Mikpunt really need is a Petrol station and 1 stop restaurant with a car wash.

A perfect location would be situated near the Grain towers passing the highway for the locals and bypassers, this would bring alot of jobs to the community and I have a feeling it will work 100%

All we need is to get this passed by the council and get a potential investor to invest in something like this, then you wont go wrong.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Mikpunt Meerkat

Die Mikpunt Meerkat is 'n plaaslike nuusbrief wat maandeliks versprei word in Klipheuwel/Mikpunt 'n landbouhoewe gemeenskap buite Durbanville. Dit het ontstaan as gevolg van die doodmaak van slange op die landbouhoewes. Ons as gesin het besluit om mense in te lig oor slange,dat almal nie giftig en skadelik vir die mens is nie. En dat dit waansinig is om 'n Mol slang te dood wat tussen 30 en 40 jaar oud is net omdat dit 'n slang is. Selfs Mol slange is aangesien as Kobras- wat wel hier voorkom.

Hierdie nuusbrief is vol spelfoute, grammatika foute, soms ‘n skelwoord of 2,maar altyd met goeie bedoelings, en uit die hart. Ek is nie ‘n letterkundige of redakteur nie, sommer net iemand wat Mikpunt se belange op die hart dra. Personal vendettas or rude and harmful things will not be published, as this is a newsletter with positive news that concerns our community

Contact:021 971 1237 072 879 9911 or email :

Saturday, 30 October 2010


Klipheuwel alias Mikpunt Excelsior, La Provance, Boompies Plaas ext. But more of the story Klippheuwel is a smallholding community on the Klipheuwel road plus minus 15 km outside Durbanville, Turn of at Radio road and follow the dirt road.

Alot of development is about to take place with lots of businesses expanding, the community is filled with great loving caring people and is one of the most beautiful spacious opendoor places in South Africa.

Klipheuwel is very well known for its sunsets over the grazing land and at night overlooking the horizon stars.

Celebrities living in Klipheuwel

Klipheuwel is becoming a very attracting place filled with great Celeb icons such as Julie Hartley (actor) and Meyrick Pringle (Ex Proteas cricket player).

For those who are interested in purchasing land and investing in Klipheuwel for more information please contact